Interreg V-A Cooperation Programme "Greece - Cyprus 2014-2020"
The Interreg V-A Cooperation Programme "Greece - Cyprus 2014-2020" (CCI Code 2014TC16RFCB055) was approved by the European Commission on 27.07.2015 with the executive decision C (2015) 5319. It has a total budget of € 64,560,486, of which € 54,876,411.00 com from ERDF.
The Cooperation Programme aims to:
- increase the competitiveness of the eligible area by supporting entrepreneurship and the use of information and communication technologies.
- covering areas such as energy, climate change and transport, by promoting an economy with low carbon emissions
- disaster prevention, the promotion of natural and cultural heritage and natural resource conservation technologies
- Financial priorities
The programme focuses on the following three priorities:
- Enhancing competitiveness and entrepreneurship in the cross-border area.
- Efficient use of energy and sustainable transport.
- Preservation and protection of the environment and risk prevention.
With Special Objectives (SO) for each of them, which are the following:
Priority Axis 1: Enhancing competitiveness and entrepreneurship in the cross-border area
SO 1.1 - Increasing the use of ICT in areas of common interest (in the areas of e-government, e-business, e-culture and tourism)
SO 1.2 - Enhancing the extroversion of SMEs
________________________________________Priority Axis 2: Energy efficiency and sustainable transport
SO 2.1 - Increase energy savings in public buildingsSO 2.2 - Reducing the environmental footprint from public transport in urban areas with significant air pollution.
Ε.Σ. 2.3 -SO 2.3 - Enhance interoperability and safety in maritime transport
Priority Axis 3: Preservation and protection of the environment and risk prevention
SO 3.1 - Improving joint risk management from natural, technological and humanitarian disastersSO 3.2 - Improving the attractiveness of areas of natural and cultural interest
SO 3.3 - Improving Marine Spatial Planning and Coastal Zone Management
SO 3.4 - Improving the efficiency of the use of waste and water resources
Priority Axis 4: Programme Technical Assistance